Brief History

Amrita Consumer Food Products Ltd. was founded in 1948 in Barishal, the Venice of Bengal, by the great philanthropist Amrita Lal Dey, the organization flourished from a tiny personal initiative to its present-day grand status and reputation due to the honesty, sincerity, integrity, and devotion of the founder. Now it stands as one of the famous enterprises in the country employing a large workforce and drawing much goodwill from the common masses while contributing a lot to the economic development of the land.

In 1988 Amrita Oil & Food Products set sail as a sister concern and began its journey along the path of food items production which received well responses from the customers. Production of international standard and quality food products like powdered spices, mixed spices, noodles, vermicelli, snacks, etc. saw the light of the day with particularity in terms of taste, flavor, and texture. Side by side with expanding local market the company is looking for space in the foreign market which would enable earning of hard foreign currency that might contribute to the advancement of the national economy and also enhance employment opportunities.

The ultimate goals of our company:

  • Continue the production and marketing of hygienic and quality food at minimum price.
  • Finding out the needs of consumers’ and provide them with the products the aspire after.
  • Explore new segments of internal market and place products in the international market.
  • Maintaining the good will of the company by serving intrinsic quality of hygienic food products with authentic taste.
  • Carrying on efforts to expand market globally and set up distribution network so as to make products available at doorsteps of customers.

Published on: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 01:02 pm   ▪   Last update: Monday, 8 August 2022, 06:33 am   ▪   Total View of this Page: 2989

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