Message from MD
Bijoy Krishna Dey, Managing Director.
With the development of economic, social, cultural and agricultural institutions modern system of food materials production has set in. Food production is becoming commercial day by day. To keep to changing times side by side with other organizations Amrita Consumer Food Products Ltd. has set its foot on the arena. But it has to live up to certain standards quite special with it.
Amrita Consumer Food Products Ltd. is the organization avowedly dedicated to produce high quality food products in the greater southern part of the country. With days passing it is gaining more and more trust and confidence of the customers in its field.
Profit, though required, is not the only moving force behind Amrita Consumer Food Products Ltd. Rather, customers’ satisfaction to the fullest possible level is its motto.
Published on: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 01:03 pm ▪ Last update: Sunday, 16 October 2022, 12:13 pm ▪ Total View of this Page: 2704